Free textures to use with your art work.
Please credit me if you use any of my textures.
I would appreciate a link back to this site if you use any textures.
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I have been asked how to create textured images using these textures.
The real answer is trial and error.
First I try to select a background that compliments the subject or, I have a finished image in my mind.
I work in Photoshop and Topaz.
I start by processing the photo in the normal way - removing noise, adding clarity and then adjusting the detail.
I then usually but not always convert to a digital painting effect using a combination of Topaz simplify and Photoshop. This helps soften the edges and blends well with the textures.
If the original background is cluttered or does not blend well with the texture, I will cut out the subject using Topaz remask.
The trick is blending the texture with the subject. I use the blending modes within Photoshop. The most common ones being softlight, multiply, overlay and screen.
I choose a texture, add it as a layer then select the blending mode.
I will then adjust its opacity if it is too harsh.
I use the masking tool (with reduced opacity) to mask out any parts of the texture that I do not want on the subject.
If required I then choose a second texture and repeat.
Some of my images can have around five textures combined.
Not all photographs suit texturing. It really is a matter of taste.
The image is finished when I like the result.

Created Textures

Visitors 198

Natural Textures

Visitors 54